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Showing posts with the label Philippine Constitution

RH Bill Debate: Things Not to Forget

As of this writing, the author tried but failed to get a copy of the six reproductive health bills (RH bills) filed in the House of Representative. This means that Filipinos concerned in guarding the nation from the potential dangers of the bill may have to ensure that they know what are being proposed in these bills so appropriate actions can be taken to prevent the worst from happening.  The House Bill readily available is HB05043, otherwise known as the Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008, filed in the 14th Congress. The HB00513 that the 15th Congress received on 1 July 2010 has already passed first reading on July 27, and is pending with the Committee on Population and Family Relations. Freedom of Informed Choice It is inherent in Christian faith and in the Philippines the freedom of each Filipino to choose. God respected our free will; and our Constitution confirmed that as a fundamental right of any Filipino. This freedom is reiterated...

Chief Justice Appointment: A Lay Understanding

Article III (Bill of Rights), Section 4 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution encourages and guarantees the public its freedom and right to express opinion. And the controversy surrounding the appointment of our new Supreme Court Chief Justice is a public matter that any Filipino has the right to discuss and talk about. The controversial appointment of Chief Justice Renato Corona on 17 May 2010 geared upon the resolution of the apparent conflict between two provisions in the Philippine Constitution--Article VII (Executive Department), Section 15 and Article VIII (Judicial Department), Section 4(1). Art. VII, Sec. 15 states: "Two months immediately before the next presidential elections up to the end of his term, a President or Acting President shall not make appointmets, except temporary appointments to executive positions when continued vacancies therein will prejudice public service or endanger public safety." Art. VIII, Sec. 4 (1) goes: "Any vacancy shall be fill...