Promiscuity, which may be enhanced by the contraception methods (natural or artificial), can only be stopped when those involved in teaching people the ways of Christ through a healthy spiritual life will be successful in getting the message across. Even without contraception, nil spiritual life inevitably leads to promiscuity. This means that the key to promiscuity is not contraception methods but the very values running in the hearts of men and women.
The challenge that RH Bill poses is directed at the teachers of Christian values. That their teachings be more effective in helping people grow in their spiritual lives. Satan will always be there dangling the tantalizing seduction of promiscuous sex. And without a strong spiritual life, no lack of contraception method will stop any mortal from getting promiscuous.
The issue RH Bill demands from the teachers of Christian values two things. First, that their teachings be fashioned and communicated in a way that hits the heart of the faithful point blank. Second, that their lives too may be put in order to remove stumbling blocks for the faithful.
I believe the heated issue surrounding the RH Bill is a God-given circumstance that brings rich resources for grace, grace that everyone--the laity and the clergy--can use in bringing their private lives in order, or risk destroying the very fabric of humanity in the Filipino society.
This article also appeared in Kuro-Kuro on 9 October 2010 as "Promiscuity and the RH Bill."
This article also appeared in Kuro-Kuro on 9 October 2010 as "Promiscuity and the RH Bill."